Thursday, February 3, 2011

are you sick of hearing about my iPod yet?

I'm sure you all know how awesome an iPod is.  You've probably had one for years.  Excuse me while I be super excited for a while.  FRIENDS was awesome this morning.  I laughed out loud a lot and got some weird looks.  I don't think they knew it was possible to laugh as you ran.  Running felt GOOD today.  I loved every second of it.  I was feeling sick again when I woke up, but I ran through it and now I feel great.  By the way, I am NOT pregnant.  Don't even pretend you didn't wonder.  Even my mom asked.  Crazy lady.  Four miles in 33:03.  I didn't even have to push.  I kind of wish I was still running now.  Maybe because it's 3 degrees at my desk and I think my hands might fall off.

I told my lover if I get this job I am treating myself to a new purse.  He laughed at me.  Maybe just for that I'll get some shoes too muah ha ha ha.  If all or one of us gets this job we are having a big party dinner.  (Did I mention my cousin and sister were interviewed too??)  I am not a big shopper, I don't like crowds.  But I really love purses and shoes.  Speaking of crowded shopping, I have to go to Wal-Mart today.  Dreading it.  But I really need a new blow dryer since mine died.  And apparently the new place I go to get my oil changed doesn't fill the washer fluid.  I've never ran out before.  That's saying a lot because I REALLY like to wash my windshield.  It's a daily thing, and I think it's probably more fun than it should be.

Class was fun last night.  And super short because our teacher had a family emergency.  I was talking to the girl who was drawing on me and I was slightly distracted, so I forgot to look away.  I've never seen the needle go in me before.  I don't like watching it puncture my skin, but I've seen the rest.  So when I was midsentence and broke off to say, "Holy sh** that just went in!!" everyone in the class busted up laughing.  Then I got real dizzy and had to lay my head down.  But I can now watch the needle go in.  Maybe next time I'll do it again, minus the nausea.  Big steps people.

ZaeLia has been rotten since her surgery.  She got so much attention that now she feels attention starved.  The picture is her pouting because she got spanked for chewing on the cord to my electric blanket.  I can't stay mad at her.  But she has always been such a good dog, never chews on anything, great manners, blah blah blah.  The other day she snagged my pizza out of my hand.  Besides it being naughty, you know my love for food.  I hate sharing food (which is weird because I LOVE to steal Josh's) so I was greatly annoyed.  Me and Littles didn't talk for two days.  Do you think dogs reflect on things?  Like do you think Zypper sits in his kennel and thinks, "Remember that time I got my eye stuck in a mouse trap!!" then quietly chuckles to himself.  Or is the slate wiped clean every day, 50 First Dates style?

We leave tomorrow for our mini vacay!!  Thanks for staying at our house while we're away, Kira!!

Any recommendations for workout songs?
Do you like to steal food from other people's plates?  I swear it tastes better.

1 comment:

Emily Ballantyne said...

Yep. Pretty much. I have to try Justin's food every time. He gets mad, but he still lets me. Good thing our husbands love us!

How about Spice Girls? That's always good to work out to. LOL
I think dogs remember. I swear duke does