Saturday, January 15, 2011


What gets us going in the morning.

I always hear runners say that they are more tired and not as happy on their rest days.  Maybe that was my issue yesterday.  Or maybe I just needed a day.  Who knows.  But I'm cheered up now.  Yesterday to cheer myself up I reminded myself it was Friday, listened to Alanis Morissette, took a hot bath, hung out with my lover, and slept.  And when none of that worked I had to take a Xanax.  I tried really hard not to, but I tried everything I can think of, and swore I'd make today a better day.  I got up early and went to the gym.  It opened late AGAIN but I'm not letting that bug me today.  I ran seven miles in 1:01:15.  My goal was one hour and three min.  I am super excited!!  Now I am going to shower and eat frogurt for breakfast with my marathon buddy.  Then we are going to sit at her house and play Donkey Kong on the wii until my lover gets off work.  That's right.  I have downtime!!  AMAZING!!  But  I do really need to do homework to so I will probably do that most of the evening while we watch TV.

When you get to the bottom of the bag of chips and it's all crumbs and you can't pick them out, do you tip the bag back and "drink" the crumbs?  No?  Me either... No, I really do.  And it's delish.

Would you be bummed if your husband wasn't coming to your marathon or am I just a spoiled brat?  I guess I always pictured crossing that finish line and seeing his smiling face.  And him all proud of me.  But whatever, I am doing it for me.  I can't let that get me bummed or I am going to hate this.

You know the song "Head Over Feet" by Alanis Morissette?  That's more of mine and my lover's song.  Most people have these mushy gushy songs that describe their relationship.  We do now and we are mushy gushy and gross.  We make people sick all the time.  But in the beginning it was like that.  It was an accident.  It was "don't be surprised if I love you, for all that you are.  I couldn't help it.  It's all your fault."  I think that might have been the greatest unplanned thing in the history of the world.  I reallllllly love that guy.  See, I am making you sick already.  Have a fabulous day!!!


Laundry said...

No.. I'd be bummed if my husband wasn't there when I reached the finish line. I'd cry and get really mad at him if he wasn't there.. so he'd better have a good reason if something like that ever happened to me. haha!

Kristen said...

I'd be bummed too, it's a huge success to run a marathon and he should be there! I ran in five different 5k's over last fall and my husband finally showed up at the last one... I'm sure it had nothing to do with all of my bitching! lol

Kara Lynn said...

Eh, I won't make him go. If he doesn't want to then he won't be happy he is there so then he will bum me out. So if he doesn't want to I'll just be happy alone. Plus if he only comes because I complained it doesn't mean anything to me anyways :-) I think he just doesn't realize it actually means something to me. Maybe in the next two months he'll realize and be there!!

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

I would be totally bummed!! YOU are not a spoiled brat!! K, I am obsessed with Alanis...I LOVE HEad over feet! I am going to go listen to it now! GREAT RUN!!! WAHOO!!! Frogurt for breakfast....amazing!