Thursday, January 27, 2011

funny story

Funny, funny, funny story!!  Life makes me laugh.  I just went in the bathroom to wash all the oil off my hands and a lady I've never met before walked in to wash her lunch dishes.  She looked at me and said hi then turned back to wash, then did a double take.  She looked at me all shocked and said, "Oh my gosh!  Do you go to Lady Fitness??"  I told her I do and she said, "You are that crazy marathon runner girl!  Me and my friend Melissa sit and watch you run every morning.  We sit and watch the display on your treadmill and can't believe how fast you run for how long!  You are such an inspiration.  You make it easier to stay motivated!!"  Then we talked on and on blah, blah, blah about running and the gym and motivation and she asked about my Vibrams.  I was right on not just one, but TWO things.  They were checking out my shoes and saying how amazing I am.  Plus, I am pretty sure they make fun of the lip syncing, because let's face it, I look like a goofball.  But you can't really tell a new person you just met something like that to their face.  Muah ha ha!  Small world.  You know what sucks?  I don't care that I look like an idiot at the gym because I don't know those people.  Now I do.  It's cool.  I'll be an idiot as long as I'm runnin' real fast while I do it.  And p.s. I don't really think I am amazing... I don't have an ego at all.  I am just proud of myself for pushing myself so much on something that is so hard.

By the way, my phone doesn't have the word "nacho" in its predictive text.  That's why it's a piece of crap and I need a new phone.  Best food ever.
What the freak!  I just spell checked and it said "nacho" was wrong too.  Something is wrong with the world...


Laundry said...

aaaahahahahaha! That's awesome!

Enjoyin' Life said...

That is freaking AWESOME!! And a nice motivator for sure!