Sunday, January 9, 2011

tomorrow's the beginning of my marathon

Not literally.  It doesn't start for 13 weeks.  But I start trainning tomorrow.  Every time I think about it I get shakey and it's hard to breathe.  I am that excited!  I really, really hope I just love it.  I'm thinking I should probably get an iPod.  Is it weird that I don't have one already?  I'll be doing 17 miles this week.  My friend Jamie is doing the marathon with me.  She has always wanted to too.  I don't think she is quite as excited.  She is pretty scared.  But I think in a few weeks she'll be just as excited as me!  She is amazingly motivated.  And now we can push each other and keep motivated together.  Friends are awesome!  I don't think my lover realizes how much this means to me yet.  He's still getting over the fact that it's almost a hundred dollars to run.  He asked me to skip registering and just go run it.  Silly guy.  He may never get it, but in a couple days he'll be supportive.  He always is.  His brother is pretty excited.  Not that I am running a marathon.  He told me I was stupid.  In a loving way of course.  But he told Josh they were going to come down and meet me at the finish line and drink a few beers while they wait.  That's the spirit!!  I love those guys.  I seriously married into the best family ever.

1 comment:

Laundry said...

a zune would be cheaper, but an investment in an ipod would definitely be worth it. I love mine! and G loves his. lol.