Tuesday, December 14, 2010

a cop for Christmas

We are basically gangster.

Remember how I said my family is... well not stupid, but we have our moments?  Everybody does, but we have a few too many.  Like how I lock myself out of my car at least once a month.  And get lost when I go places I have been ten times.  And how my (giant) little sister stands up too fast in a five foot room and knocks herself out.  Not a big deal.  We find a way to deal with our handicaps.  We are used to being hurt from falling down.  Last year on Christmas we were at my mom's pretty late.  My sister pulled in around 10:00 and left her car running because she was only coming in for a second to say goodnight.  We said our goodbyes and took off.  Well Ashton got talking with my mom and her kids fell asleep so she decided to stay and made a bed on the couch.  About 3:00 am there was a loud knock at the door.  It was a cop asking my mom if that was her car running with the door wide open.  She said no.  He explained that the neighbors said it was and they were concerned about a possible abduction.  Because there is no other reason a car was left running with the door open and a purse on the front seat.  Unless you are part of my family.  When we do stupid things we try to laugh at ourselves.  It's easier than feeling stupid or getting upset.  We'd be pretty depressed people if we got too upset over our idiotic moments.  So my sister came out and turned her car off, grabbed her purse and locked up.  And laughed a little.  The cop didn't think she was very funny... Oops!!  Maybe this year we can have a cop free Christmas.  Remember how we wear weird outfits for Christmas?  My sisters voted and decided they want to wear footie jammies... this is not ok.  Nobody looks good in footie jammies after the age of five.

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