Thursday, October 14, 2010

just ramblin'

I get more ready for softball than I do for work.

Lately I have been liking kids and babies.  Freaky.

I eat a jar of peanut butter every two weeks.  The big jars too.

Torn or crumpled paper makes me cringe.  I don't really even like when it's folded.

I'm not a fan of automatic windshield wipers.  I'd rather flip them on each time they are needed.

The smell of certain cleaners bring back a lot of memories.  Pinesol always reminds me of my step mom because that's what she always uses to clean.  409 always reminds me of my first house.  It was always spotless and I always used 409.  I think I scrubbed that place twice a week.  I wish I'd get in that habit again!!

My blood sugar has gotten worse so I have to go on a diet given to me by my endocrinologist.  No more candy :-(

I'd rather listen to my engine hum than the radio.  It's more peaceful.

My dog went into heat just in time for the deer hunt.  Camping with that is going to be fabulous.  I hope she doesn't attract the bears :-)

1 comment:

Laundry said...

peanut butter is soooo yummy! now I'm crazing some. lol. Oh well.