Wednesday, October 27, 2010


We have waited all year for the hunt.
We have spent a ton of time and money getting ready for it.
And it kind of sucked...
We got there and got all set up and everything was going great.
I started making breakfast while the dogs played and the guys unloaded the truck.
Problem number one was our heater wouldn't work...
And it was about 30 degrees outside.
We ended up using the oven to heat our trailer which worked great.
It was just so frustrating because the heater had worked a few days before at home.
Then I got a terrible pain in my side.
I have had it for about six years now and it's nothing new.
It comes and goes and makes me want to die as it pleases.
The doctors have no clue what causes it.
So I laid down in our freezing trailer to wait it out.
I guess I fell asleep.
I woke up and our whole camp had disappeared.
I was all alone with no heater and trying to build up a fire in the rain.
My husband finally returned about an hour later to check on me.
He jumped out of the truck with a beer in his hand...
I HATE drinking and driving.
So I was grumpy.
We went to pick up everyone else and I had to go so I could drive.
Our friend was trying to get his wife's attention and decided to throw a stick at her.
Drilled me. Right in the face.
We got back to camp and I had a welt across my cheek.
It didn't hurt.  I was just mad.
We pulled out the brand new grill I got for my husband.
And it didn't work.
We ended up having to throw all the chicken away.
Steak was our other option.
My husband dropped one on the ground as he was pulling it out.
Which wasn't a big deal.
Even sharing we had plenty.
But he was mad so then I felt bad for him.
He worked so hard for this trip.
Throughout the day my dog ate the rotten eggs a previous camper had left.
So he was sick all weekend.
Ever cleaned the sickest kennel ever with water bottles?
Yeah.  Me neither.  Cuz my husband is the best.
Poor guy.
Oh, and I froze, all night long.
It was too cold to get out of bed to turn the oven on.
And we didn't see anything but does all weekend.
The last hunt of the weekend we pulled into our spot bright an early.
Sitting in the mud hole, covered in snow was my brand new camera.
I wanted to cry.
I hope it didn't ruin the memory card at least...

I hate to be negative.
And this one is real negative.
But there were some good things about hunting too.
Our spot was beautiful!
I actually like seeing does and fawns--they are so pretty.
Camp fires are the best.
Roasted marshmellows!!
Three days of uninterupted time with my lover rarely happens.
That was my favorite.
I like camping.  A lot.
Our friends are pretty cool.
And Oakland killed Denver!!

We will just shoot for a better time next year!

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